Who Killed Little Willie
Set in the year 1910, meet the Froggatts and Cotterills, two notorious families from a quaint little village in the heart of The Black Country. Well known for their endless quarrels and ongoing family feuds which regularly spills out into the streets of the village much to the disgust of their neighbours. With their brash personalities and rough edges, the Froggatts and Cotterills are far from ordinary.
In this comedic tale 'Who Killed Little Willie?' set in the depths of the Black Country (some local lingo might need decoding if you are not from these parts)
Little Willie's in trouble! His life is cut short as he falls victim to rat poison. Throughout the day, Willie finds himself at the centre of arguments with every family member. Is Willie innocent or is their something more sinister at play? As tensions rise, the plot thickens.
The following morning, Lizzie Cotterill discovers Willie foaming at the mouth, sprawled on the kitchen floor. Her screams wake the entire household, she had only polished the floor the day before, now look at the mess.
What everyone wants to know is who would harm such an "innocent and simple" soul?
So, what are you waiting for? Contact us today to make your booking and get ready for an unforgettable experience!